"Your life is an occasion. Rise to it."

Blog #14

Beauty is something that has the ability to entrance and grasp you in a moment to the point where time stops. For the most part, people really feel this deeply and honestly, but there are many in today’s world that view beauty as having a lot of money and material possessions. My community is mostly made up of wealthy older people, and since it is so small everyone knows everything about everyone. Due to this fact, most of these people in the community care so much about showing off their expensive possessions such as cars, watches, clothing, jewelry, etc., because they want everyone to talk about it. Philosopher John Armstrong writes in, “La Bella Vita,” of how an old French philospher previously explored these ideas of beauty, and how we are still facing these issues today. Armstrong writes, “Many loathsome people own beautiful things, and the possesion of these does not seem to make them more humane.” He also goes on to add that the whole point of beauty is to “elevate the soul.” These people in my community view having money to buy expensive things as beauty and that is truly sad to witness for me. They aren’t elevating their souls or seeing the true beauty in friendships, family, or their everyday lives in our beautiful, coastal town. Right now, not only my community, but the world could most definitely benefit from reading this essay. Hearing his ideas of beauty made me think about what I view as beauty in my day to day life. Beauty is a concept unique to each individual and once we learn to grasp the true meaning of the word we will then be able to transform our futures.

1 Comment

  1. elishaemerson

    Excellent. I love that you began to explore the “so-what” as it relates to our subjective relationship with beauty. Well done.

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